Benson Tait

Benson Tait

Sep 25, 2023. 3 mins read

Family Finance

Empower Your Family Through the Art of Frugal Living

Let's face it, there’s no denying that times are tough. Within the last year, Australia's cost of living has risen between 6.3% and 9.6%, affecting every aspect of daily life, from food to electricity, housing, insurance, and everything in between. With expenses skyrocketing, frugal living is more relevant than ever, but for many, learning how to not only survive but thrive on a budget can be challenging. Fortunately, you're not just any mum, you're a smart mum, and you know that with a few adjustments to your daily routine, you can save money while still ensuring your family has everything they need to live happy and fulfilled lives. Let's take a look at ten easy yet impactful frugal living tips you can incorporate that will help you stretch your paycheck, reduce stress, and discover the joy of living a more sustainable lifestyle.

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1. Family Financial Empowerment

Did you know that frugal living is one of the best ways to financially empower your family and teach your kids healthy money management skills? Simple practices like saving half of their birthday money, shopping second-hand, and finding low-cost or free activities show your children that they control their finances, not the other way around. Frugality doesn't have to be boring or restrictive; in fact, it allows you to use your creativity in new and exciting ways. Don't be afraid to find inspiration from gurus like The Barefoot Investor and She's on the Money for tips on implementing frugal practices for your family.

2. Savings Through Smart Meal Planning

One of the most surprising struggles I've experienced as a parent was realising that my kids want to eat every day, and I'm the one responsible for making sure that happens (who knew!) Dinner time used to be overwhelming, but life has gotten much easier thanks to meal planning! Not only does planning our menu for the week save time, but it reduces my food bill significantly. A few tips I swear by include:

  • Schedule a meal prep day at the start of the week

  • Vary your meals and cycle the menu

  • Organise your pantry so you don't buy multiple items

  • Use items from your pantry first

Shopping for half price items at Coles and Woolies each week, and shopping at Aldi and Costco will save you a significant amount of money while allowing you to purchase high-quality food your family will love. My general rule of thumb is buy in bulk as much as I can so long as it fits in the cupboards!

3. Crafting Budget-Friendly Shopping Strategies

Strategic shopping is one of the best ways to save money, and let's face it, there's no greater thrill than finding a great deal! Finding deals on kids toys is a must since these items have such a fast turnaround time. Some of the best budget-friendly shopping tips include:

  • Buying second-hand toys

  • Join ‘buy nothing’ online local groups

  • Shopping a thrift stores

  • Joining a toy marketplace for toy swapping and toy donations like Sassybae

The environmental impact of toys is greater than ever which is why toy trading on mobile apps like Sassybae doesn't just save money, but teaches our little ones about sustainable living.

4. Unveiling the World of Second-Hand Value Clothes

Second-hand shopping has many benefits, including saving money and promoting green living, but it can feel overwhelming when you're just starting out. Using an avenue like second-hand consignment for adult or kids clothes is great since the quality of the items tends to be higher, but you can still find great deals at thrift and op-shops. A few tips for finding quality items include:

  • Make a list of what you're looking for to avoid overbuying

  • Shop at reputable stores and through trusted online communities

  • Plan ahead and be patient. Prepare to look and shop a season ahead of time

5. Resourceful Living: Energy, Resources, and Costs

A frugal living mindset extends beyond what you put in the trolley; it impacts every area of your life. Frugality means conserving all resources and finding low-cost alternatives for everyday expenses. Taking steps like turning off lights when you leave a room, creating a cleaning routine, growing your own vegetables, and finding free or low-cost family-friendly activities have a major impact on lowering your household budget and living a more eco-friendly lifestyle.

6. Minimalism as a Family Philosophy

Minimalism isn’t about having nothing and giving away everything, instead it encourages you to be less attached to objects and to simplify your physical and mental space. When your house is full of "things", it’s mentally overwhelming, more to organise and clean and you often waste money unknowingly repurchasing the same items. You can start living more minimalistically by seasonally clearing out your kid's toys and clothes, organising your pantry so you can clearly see your food stock, and embracing the beauty of living more simplistically. It may feel strange at first, but soon the entire family will enjoy new found freedoms and clarity.

Benson Tait

Benson Tait

Design . Digital . Fathering . Husbanding . Surviving . Founder

A man who loves design, technology, food and his family of two young girls and a smart gorgeous wife, who is on a mission to make parenting easier and help kids flourish for a happier home.

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