Monique Tait

Monique Tait

Jun 1, 2024. 3 mins read


Get More Play With Less Toys Using Toy Rotation

Let’s not beat around the bush – clutter causes stress and anxiety. But when you’ve got the cutest little bub that you just want to spoil, your toy situation can quickly spiral out of control. Mountains of clutter. Toys sprawled everywhere. Pure overwhelm! And the crazy part – they don’t end up playing with any of it!

It has a spinning top rotating toys

Sound familiar? When we’re presented with too many options, such as toys in this case, it leads to feelings of overwhelm and choice paralysis which explains why your kiddo is losing interest in all of those toys you’ve thoughtfully accumulated for them.

So what’s the solution to a tidier home and toys your child will actually want to play with?

Toy rotation!

Helping keep your home and mind clutter-free, toy rotation is a highly beneficial way to organise your toy collection. Here’s what you need to know.

What is toy rotation?

Put simply, toy rotation is the act of rotating out toys so that your child only has a select number of items to play with at any given time while the rest are kept in storage. And after a couple of weeks, you rotate the toys out, resulting in new toys, new adventures and excitement for your kiddo.

Sounds great, right?

And to ensure that your child has a wide variety of toys to play with, you can even sort your toys like this mum did into the following categories:

  • Musical

  • Ride on

  • Puzzles

  • Stacking toys

  • Balls

  • Dress up

  • Make believe

  • Messy play

  • Animals

You get the gist! If you’re hyper-organised, you can split the toys into separate boxes for easy rotating. Or you can just make it up as you go along without too much fuss. Remember, this process is meant to make things easier, not harder!

While it may feel like you’re depriving your kiddo of lots of fun and exciting toys, you’ll be amazed to see how much more involved they are with the toys that they have - not to mention the pure joy that comes with rotation day! It also helps you see which toys your child likes playing with the most and which ones you can donate to the toy library.

And the fact that it results in a cleaner, tidier home doesn’t hurt either.

Here are some other benefits of toy rotation for your little one:

  • Less clutter and mess

  • More independent play

  • Reduced feelings of overwhelm

  • Heightened focus

  • Easier to clean

  • Heightened creativity

  • More space for playing

Some families like to rotate their toys every other week whereas others prefer to have a bit more time with the toys that they have. You know your kid, find a schedule that works for you! Toy rotation is an easygoing process that’s fun and easy to implement. 

How many toys should I leave out?

As a general rule of thumb, we recommend picking out 10 toys at a time for your child to play with. Again, the system is flexible so go with what feels right. Once you notice your child getting bored and restless with the toys that they have, simply refresh the collection. Keep an eye out on our toy swapping app for second hand toys that are affordable, varied and fun for the kiddos.

Toy rotation is a lifesaver for stressed-out parents looking for ways to enrich their children’s lives without sacrificing their sanity at the same time. Suitable for homes big and small, this parenting hack will help rid those feelings of overwhelm - both for you and your kiddo, too!

Try your hand at toy rotation today 

If you’re looking for the ultimate parenting hack to promote independent play while decluttering your home, give toy rotation a try. Helping promote creativity and increased focus, toy rotation is a fun and exciting process for both kiddos and parents alike. Easy to implement and remember, you’ll wonder how you lived without this mum hack for so long.

Monique Tait

Monique Tait

Mothering . Wife . Founder . Chicken Wing Aficionado .

When she's not scouring the city for the best fried chicken joint, she's busy being a parenting superhero, starting with her new toy swapping app called Sassybae. Because let's be real, what better way to show your love for your kids than by swapping out their old toys for new ones? Monique is on a mission to make parenting easier, one wing and one toy at a time.

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