Monique Tait

Monique Tait

Jul 3, 2023. 3 mins read


Picture-Perfect Pro Tips for Organising Photos

Even if you consider yourself a master organiser, photo organisation is one of the most challenging tasks to tackle. Printed pics take up tons of space, but you simply can't bear to throw them away. Yet piling them all in shoe boxes leads to fading, ripping, and other damage.

portrait_of_young_smiling_lady_in_colourful_shirt_standing_with_little_white_camera_on over_pink_background

Going digital is a great option, but finding the pictures you're looking for is tricky if they're all mixed up on your phone. This article provides practical, easy tips to help you create a photo management system that works. It encourages you to treasure family memories instead of stressing out over a jumbled pile of pics.

The Problems with Photo Storage

When figuring out a system to store your photos, you likely face many of the same challenges other photo-crazed folks do. See if any of these roadblocks sound familiar when it comes to organising your pictures.

  • You're overwhelmed by an exorbitant amount of pictures going back decades because you feel throwing away photos is equivalent to throwing away memories. (Or maybe you love to prove to your partner that you were once the G.O.A.T. in high school.)

  • Since you don't have proper storage, your photographs are starting to fade, stick together, and rip.

  • You need to figure out what pictures are worth keeping, how to store them, or where to put them. It's just easier to leave them in piles for another day.

  • You need more room for tons of photo albums or scrapbooks.

  • You don't have time to scan all of your photographs to create digital copies.

  • You're hesitant to go all digital because you fear losing the photo to the dark abyss of cyberspace for all eternity.

The list goes on and on, and there's no doubt the thought of photo preservation and organising is daunting. But breaking it down into a few simple, actionable steps dramatically reduces the sense of overwhelm.

1. Delete Unnecessary Photos Immediately

To streamline your photo organisation, delete unnecessary photos immediately. There's no point sorting a bunch of pics you don't want or need. If the pic is blurry, you have ten of the same one (or even two), or it's of a random high school ex; say goodbye.

Make it standard practice to routinely go through your new pics at the end of the day and delete any stragglers you missed. Whether sorting digital or concrete clutter, it's easier to do when you have less of it.

2. Embrace Google Photos

Master Google Photos to make organising digital photographs easy with features like facial recognition and the ability to create albums. It also lets you eliminate duplicate pics on your phone through its photo backup option.

Another handy feature is Google Photos automatically organises your pics by date. So when trying to find that amazing picture from your cousin's wedding last April, you simply scroll to that month.

3. Consider an External Hard Drive for Storing Photos

Your computer only has so much storage (just like your closet). Think of an external hard drive as the equivalent of under-the-bed storage for your overflow clothes. An external hard drive makes it easy to double or triple your storage space.

It also provides a safeguard for your photos. So if you drop your laptop or your toddler spills fruit juice all over it, your pics are safe. Therefore, consider using an external hard drive as a backup system.

4. Use Photo Printing Companies

If the thought of going completely digital isn't your cup of tea, but you're not into creating photo albums (or you don't have the time), utilise photo printing companies. These companies, like Snapfish, Momento, or Photobook Australia, make creating personalised photo books easy.

If printing digital photo books isn't your thing, you can opt to print select photos using a photo kiosk at various stores. Big W, Kmart and Officeworks have photo-printing services. 

5. Outsource Your Digital Photo Organisation

Life is busy, busy, busy. Between running kids around to soccer, piano, basket-weaving, and every other activity under the sun, you're tired. Add to that, working, planning meals, and everything else you have going on, you're likely thinking, when do I have time to organise my photos? 

It might be worth it for you to outsource your digital photo organisation to someone else. Many professional organisers offer this service. Ask friends and family for trusted recommendations. Or perform a handy Google search and seek out candidates with positive reviews.

Tips for Storing and Protecting Printed Photographs

Printed photographs provide a whole new set of challenges than their digital counterparts. To ensure you preserve them and keep them safe, follow these tips:

  • Store photos in a dry, cool area, away from direct sunlight. It's best to avoid storing photos in places like attics, basements, and garages.

  • When handling photographs, hold them by the edges or wear gloves. This step protects your pics from the oils in your skin. 

  • Don't put rubber bands, paper clips, tape, and similar items on your photos to keep them together.

  • Store photos in containers specifically designed for pictures. It's essential to use acid-free envelopes, sleeves, etc., to prevent damaging photographs.

  • Organise photos by event or date, whichever you prefer, in photo boxes, using tabbed dividers to make finding them a snap.

  • If you want to turn your printed photos into a digital format, consider a company like Legacybox. Or use easy scanning software or apps like Photomyne to tackle the task yourself, or outsource it to someone your trust. Going digital is a great way to simplify your stuff and create a sense of peace.

Organise Photos in a Snap!

Don't let your piles of photos (whether printed or digital) intimidate you. Instead, use these tips to take control of your photographs so you can preserve and enjoy them for many years to come. Photo organisation should be about treasuring photos and sharing them with others, not making you pull out all your hair. Now, say cheese!

Monique Tait

Monique Tait

Mothering . Wife . Founder . Chicken Wing Aficionado .

When she's not scouring the city for the best fried chicken joint, she's busy being a parenting superhero, starting with her new toy swapping app called Sassybae. Because let's be real, what better way to show your love for your kids than by swapping out their old toys for new ones? Monique is on a mission to make parenting easier, one wing and one toy at a time.

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