Paula Scott

Paula Scott

Jun 26, 2023. 4 mins read


Take Fuss-Free Fabulous Family Photos. Without the Drama!

If your family is anything like mine, photo day can cause a bit of a brouhaha. Hubs absolutely despises getting photos in the best of situations, but make him dress up and pose? *sigh*. The kids will fight and argue. They will whinge. There will be tears. But when you know better, you do better. We all have this handy little device in our hands that can take some seriously stellar pics, so why not put it to good use? Here are five tips and tricks on how to get photos of your kids that will be frame-worthy.

Portrait of a mixed race family taking a selfie and making funny faces

1. Plan ahead

I made the mistake of springing the news of family photos the day before, and, as you can imagine, it didn't go well. My bad! If you want a curated family photo, give them some notice, let them digest the news, and it will be better received. Albeit with a few groans and eye rolls and 'do we have to?' Me (with my best mum scowl): Yes. Yes, you do. And you will smile, damn it.

2. Get them involved!

Pinterest has either ruined or helped family photos. I will leave that to you to decide which that is. We stress about colour schemes, backdrops, outfits, poses, and haircuts. But what about what our families would like? I get it. I feel twitchy just thinking about what they may come up with, but they may surprise you. And yes, it might be a shot of everyone sticking out their tongues, but you don't have to frame that one. Trust me, it will be a fond memory to look back on and laugh at one day. I fully support the colour-coordinated family photo – my type A side would argue it is critical to its success – but if you let everyone show their personality and style (within reason), you will be met with much less resistance. You will be happier with the results. 

3. Be Spontaneous!

Although we are the planner of said activity, it doesn't mean we love getting our photos taken. Especially the posey ones where you hold the smile so long you think your cheeks will break under pressure. I recommend switching it up! Take the photos at home on the sofa, backyard, or front steps – anywhere you can get natural light. Choose a place where the kids can be themselves and let their guards down. Like wild animals, they are more comfortable in their own habitat! Keep snapping when they are playing – or ribbing each other – you may just capture that second in between when their eyes light up, and they are actually smiling at one another (hallelujah!). Because we know that this does indeed happen - and we live for those fleeting seconds. And if you capture it on film? Pulitzer prize? Maybe. Just maybe.

4. Get Low!

You want to capture them and their unique personalities, and to do that, you need to get down into their space and see what they see from their perspective. Put your camera in Portrait mode, and you will get that professional-looking photo with the blurred background. The focus will be primarily on those rosy cheeks and the mischievous twinkle in their eye! If you are standing, the view will be distorted and won't be a natural pic. Get on the ground and say Cheese!

5. Edit the dang things!

Thanks to technology, we're not professionals, but we can look like we are. So many great tools are already on our phones to make our pictures just a smidge – ok, a lot – better. Make sure to crop that puppy down so you can centre your subjects… ahem, children. We can brighten it up or make the colours sharper. You can take your snaps in Live Mode and then choose which frame to use as your keeper. Did they blink? No problem, just choose another frame. Preferably with eyes open! Even if you aren't that techy, there is a Magic Wand option that will help with the composition of your photos. You needn't keep that photo bomber in the background any more thanks to 'remove background' found built into some phones or via apps. There are also plenty of filters to choose from. Do you want a tan? There is a filter for that. Do you want an artsy black and white? You guessed it, there is a filter for that. Play around with the tools already at your disposal, and you will be shocked – shocked, I tell ya – at what you can achieve!

Why the Perfect Family Photo is Overrated

In the end, the most meaningful pictures aren't the perfect ones. Because let's be honest, we aren't perfect people, and we are not the perfect family. Let that dream go, sister. When we are old and grey and look back on our lives with our littles, we will cry over the pictures that capture the true spirit of our family. Tongues out and all. Follow these five simple tips to save some money (yes, please). You will come out the other side with fewer battle scars and some beautiful family photos you want to share with your family and friends. Oh, one last tip – offer treats. We both know that none of us is above bribery for that perfect snap!

Paula Scott

Paula Scott

Active mum of 2 . Wife . Research Nerd . World Traveller . Adventure Seeker

Loves writing about fashion, travel, parenting, must-have products, and music. She can be found chasing her children, playing tennis, at the beach, or at a concert. Loves to eat. Hates to cook.

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